About Wealth
Xiamen Wealth Human Resources Management Limited is setup by professional HR or recruiting managers from Fortune 500 companies or well-known Chinese public/listed companies, and has been approved to do HR services mentioned above by Personnel Bureau and Industrial and Commercial Bureau of Xiamen City. Our company’s goal is to create and build an all-dimensional, multi-level and full-functional human resources services for our customers, the service industries we are involved include: IT, electronics, machinery, real estate, hotels, clothing, trade, logistics and other related fields. Our company is adhering to the "integrity of dedication, and Co-development" business philosophy and dedicated to provide qualified and efficient services for large numbers of enterprises.
Core business:
----------- Headhunting services
----------- Personnel & labor dispatch
----------- Management Consulting
Our values:
Excellence-- Constantly exceeding the achievement we make;
Agility—Response promptly with fast action;
Sincerity-- Treasure and respect each client;
Credibility –Always fulfill what we have promised;
Courage – Be brave to face and overcome any challenges;
Your trust is our responsibility, your needs is our pursuit.